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Feature Request
11049 views   2 replies   Latest reply: August 6, 2011 at 7:29:57 AM

Member since:
Aug 4, 2011
Posts: 3
craftyone message #1
Feature Request
August 5, 2011 at 3:30:30 PM
Is it possible to adjust stitches(colors) after the pattern is created? Sometimes the colors don't seem quite the way I want them to be.  I'd like to be able to change the color of selected stitches.

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Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 1099
Stitchboard Support message #2
Re: Feature Request
August 6, 2011 at 1:01:40 AM
Thanks for the question.

In this version, you cannot change the colors once it creates a pattern.  You can experiment with selecting your own colors in combination with varying the brightness and contrast to see if you can come up with a better rendition, but I know what you're asking.

However, many more advanced features are being discussed.  These do include being able to take your final pattern and replace one color with another (which you will be able to choose), and being able to do final touch-ups where you can "paint" in or out individual stitches/beads.

There are many other things we're discussing, and we'd love to hear more feature requests.

One obstacle we're working on is that some of the new systems out there (like the iPad) don't allow flash.  So we'll have to be clever in the way we do some of the new features.  I don't have a time-frame yet for the next version since we're working on renovating the entire site.  (There are currently 49 items on our site-update list).

However, we're also constantly re-prioritizing the order, so we're open to requests, and some of them may come sooner rather than later.

There will be a new version, probably in the next couple of weeks, which will address requests we've been getting, which will give a cleaner and more professional look, as well as some more flexibility and shortcuts to the pdf generation, for those who want to sell their patterns.

So your request is definitely noted.  More soon about the next version.  Then watch for a great new feature you won't find anywhere else!  (Keeping it under wraps for now.)


“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

Member since:
Aug 4, 2011
Posts: 3
craftyone message #3
Re: Feature Request
August 6, 2011 at 7:29:57 AM
Thanks for the quick response.  Your description of being able to paint individual stitches a different color is exactly what I meant.  I'm not too tech savvy and can't always clearly explain what I mean.  I'm looking foward to seeing what new feautures you have planned.  I'm having too much fun and spending too much time playing the the program.

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