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Whoops. I found a bug.
> Still having problems with mail !@
Still having problems with mail !@
3668 views 3 replies
Latest reply: July 12, 2014 at 12:57:30 AM
Member since:
Nov 24, 2009
Posts: 270
message #1
Still having problems with mail !@
July 23, 2012 at 7:29:03 AM
Top right shows I have 1 new message. When I click on it there's nothing there. However, it does show 1 message in "Trash". I can read that message BUT it will not delete. I've tried over and over.
Second problem.....when I tried to use the email address finder nothing comes up if I put a name into the search.
PLEASE help. Thank you.
Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 1099
Stitchboard Support
message #2
Still having problems with mail !@
July 23, 2012 at 9:04:22 PM (in response to wizdmzchyld message #1)
Hi, Charlene. Yes, nothing you're doing wrong. I just made some other updates to the mail system...
Top right shows I have 1 new message. When I click on it there's nothing there. However, it does show 1 message in "Trash".
I corrected the top counts. Also corrected were the items that showed up in the trash. These were actually in the old inbox... long story short, I corrected my code and they're now in the inbox.
I can read that message BUT it will not delete. I've tried over and over.
Since it thought the item was in the trash, you couldn't delete it since it's already deleted. We'll document the mail system soon, once we're pretty sure it's set the way we want it.
In the meanwhile, items in the trash are deleted clicking on the top trash can icon, which is the empty trash function.
There's also an option to turn on and off the immediate delete function. When on, it will immediately delete a message if you click on the delete button. When the immediate delete function is off, pressing the delete message button will move it to trash, and you will delete it by emptying the trash. To change the immediate delete setting, click on the little wrench icon at the right of the top row of buttons and change the "Save a copy of all sent messages:" setting.
Second problem.....when I tried to use the email address finder nothing comes up if I put a name into the search.
Thanks for this question too. By people asking about things and having problems, it helps us refine the program and try to make things easier. When you click on the "Compose New" button, and click on the little book icon, it pops up the lookup window. The easiest thing is ot enter a username to lookup. You can use a wild card too. So if you know Melanie's or my username starts with "com", you can enter com* and it will show Community Admin and Community Support. Then click on one and it'll drop that username into the "To" box of the message. When done looking up a name, click on the "Done" button or little "x" in the upper right corner of the popup window and it will close.
Let me know if this info helps. Again, we need to document things now that some of the new functions are getting completed.
Thanks again, Charlene. Lots more to come!
“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney
Member since:
Jul 10, 2014
Posts: 1
message #3
Re: Still having problems with mail !@
July 11, 2014 at 11:01:39 PM (in response to wizdmzchyld message #1)
IM having trouble as well, I get the message in the upper left that says the file has been sent,, the email is correct they just never show up.
Thank You
Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 1099
Stitchboard Support
message #4
Re: Still having problems with mail !@
July 12, 2014 at 12:57:30 AM (in response to slider message #3)
Have you checked any "spam" or "junk" folders you may have?
Also, the pattern gets attached to an email so be sure your settings allow attachments.
Let me know if you're still having problems. Point is that the patterns are going somewhere.. we just need to find them.
“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney
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