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Need Help getting my stitch count correct
2866 views   3 replies   Latest reply: July 9, 2023 at 1:16:33 AM

Member since:
May 29, 2023
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SweetReet message #1
Need Help getting my stitch count correct
June 8, 2023 at 11:17:31 AM
Hi! I'm new to stitchboard so please bare with me. I've been looking around trying to find the answers I need. Something just isn't clicking . 

For example... I did a single crochet swatch that was 9 inches wide. My gauge measured 5 sts per inch. If I want to add a picture that fits within these measurements, how would I go about doing that ? I also chained 40 to start ( not sure if you need to know that) 

I see conversations referring to "Aida stitch count" but I'm not sure what that is ... 

Once I understand , I feel stitchboard could be a game changer with the items I could create so I'm anxious to learn.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

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Stitchboard Admin message #2
Re: Need Help getting my stitch count correct
June 8, 2023 at 6:55:21 PM  (in response to SweetReet message #1)
Welcome! Smile
No worries, you're doing the right thing! A gauge swatch is critical when working with an item where you need specific measurements. Kiss
For the number of stitches across, you need to calculate based on how many inches across you want the project to be. Since your gauge is 5 sts per inch, let's say you were trying to make something 50 inches wide, so you'd multiply 5 x 50 = 250 stitches.
As for Aida stitch count, Aida is a type of evenweave cross stitch fabric and is of no consequence here. Smile
The main thing to remember is that in this version of the software, you can determine the width of the pattern, but not the length. That will be changed in a future version of the software. The reason we did that originally was because we were concerned people would skew or truncate their patterns if they gave measurements that were too long or short.
The other thing is that it's best to make your uploaded image the desired number of stitches across = number of pixels before uploading it to the freePatternWizard. Thus, if you want something that's 250 stitches wide, it's best if you upload an image that's 250 pixels wide. This way, the freePatternWizard doesn't have to "decide" which pixels to leave out of the finished pattern. If you're on a Windows machine and don't have a graphics program to do this, I can suggest two very established, powerful and entirely free programs that can help you.
Hope that helps and isn't confusing! Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Nov 2, 2022
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DAPPY message #3
Re: Need Help getting my stitch count correct
July 8, 2023 at 10:46:04 PM  (in response to SweetReet message #1)

There is alot of info on You tube. Some better to understand than others.  All you have to do is join, and make sure you read the info on the home page and bottom left.  There is alot of You Tubers for cross stitch call themselves Flosstubers.  Hope this helps.  


Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 4622
Stitchboard Admin message #4
Re: Need Help getting my stitch count correct
July 9, 2023 at 1:16:33 AM  (in response to DAPPY message #3)
Thanks! YouTube is a great resource, and nice to know about Flosstubers! Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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