- PhoenixNakia
- Location:
- In beading I mainly work in peyote, brick, straight stitch and loom stitch. I used to work in cross stitch and needle point which were my favorite of the non beading crafts. Beading is my
- Crochet, knitting, loom knitting, weaving~tapestry and floor looms, inkle looms, peg looms. None of these I am very experienced in and my preference of these is tapestry loom work. I have worked at just about every craft imaginable, never mastering them. Maybe these belonged in the stitching crafts since all have a form of stitch to them, but felt they were best added here.
- Have doen a small amount of painting in yrs past in oil and acrylic, pencil drawing and woodburning. I have to add my love of my pets, dogs mostly now with poodles my favorite and I still have 2 macaw parrot brothers.